Monday, December 30, 2019

The Four Pillars Of Education - 2169 Words

the four pillars of education are Philosophy, Sociology, psychology and history. Although these four areas are in all curriculums this essay will focus on the role of the pillars in the Early Years Foundation Stage. It will look at numerous theories and the research of credited theorists. It will include research from previous decades and will link in to today’s educational system. Education as a discipline and as a practice is informed by four bodies of knowledge and four separate inter related disciplines: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History. These are known as the four pillars of education. Philosophy provides the epistemological basis of education, there are two main philosophical positions in education, they are realism and constructivism. These two factors shape the ways in which educators view the purpose of education. Psychology provides educators with information about the learner and the best teaching practices. Psychology helps educators understand what motivates students. Sociology provides the socio-cultural contexts of education, as both theoretical study and enacted practice, sociology can deconstruct the enacted practices of the school as an institution and everyday classroom experiences. The four pillars of education are visible in school curriculums everywhere, from the national curriculum to the curriculums taught in private schools. The focus of this essay will be on the Early Years Foundation Stage also known as (EYFS). Kelly (2004)Show MoreRelatedThe Four Pillars Of Sms1717 Words   |  7 PagesTitle: The Four Pillars of SMS When thinking of pillars you want to think of support and strength, something that will support a structure that is built up on it. Any structure needs support to be sound and viable for years to come, and that is exactly what the four Pillars of SMS does for the overall safety effort in any organization. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Nursing Shortage And Nursing Turnover - 1719 Words

Nursing Shortage and Nursing Turnover Introduction Nursing shortage and turnover is an issue that has constantly and continually bedeviled the nursing leaders and managers. Without sufficient numbers in nursing, patient care and safety is considerably compromised, with lapses in service delivery, overworked and overwhelmed nurses more prone to making mistakes and across board dissatisfaction. Nursing shortage lads to nurse turnover because of the ones carrying our nursing duties are finding it hard to meet the demand and they eventually burn out. This paper critically examines the issues of nursing shortage and turnover and how the nurse leaders and managers can tackle the situation, easing the outcomes (The Truth About†¦show more content†¦One of the ways that nurse leaders and managers are handling this is by offering sign in and retention bonuses for nurses as well as relocation coverage. This may very well motivate people to pursue nursing. Older nurses also come with their own unique challenges, needing re alignment of patient care for them to operate at their best. There are a lot of physical requirements in nursing, requirements that older nurses may not meet, thus requiring the need for technologies in nursing. A clear and workable solution to tackling the issue of an aging nursing population is nurturing the desire to enter into nursing at high school level. There are professions that groom potential employees right from high school, this can be quite beneficial since with the right motivation, the students will go on to study nursing, increasing the nursing population eventually. This can be done through outreach programs where registered nurses travel to high schools and detail all the good nursing does, to the patients and to the nurse (Huber, 2010). These high school kids who show an interest can be taken in hospital rounds to see firsthand what nurses have to offer. Nursing turnover is a great contributor to the shortage of nurses being experienced. It is believed that about 18% of new nurses leave their jobs within the first year with a national average registered nurseShow MoreRelatedNursing Shortage and Nursing Turnover1354 Words   |  6 PagesNursing Shortage and Nursing Turn Over Nursing shortage and turnover is an enormous issue affecting nurses in the delivery of patients’ care. Nursing shortages have been shown to cause unfavorable effects which include decreased job satisfaction, decreased access to care, and can lead to increased turn over. This paper is about nursing shortages and nursing turn overs, and how the author would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach this issue. The writer’s rational would be supported byRead MoreNursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover1031 Words   |  4 PagesNursing shortage and Nurse Turnover The ongoing instability evidenced from the high mobility of qualified nurses in the nursing workforce has raised many questions about the issue of nursing shortage and nurse turnover (Gates Jones, 2007). The paper below discusses the issues of nursing shortage and nurse turnover. The paper also describes how leaders as well as managers in the nursing fraternity and other leaders can resolve those problems effectively and the different applicable principlesRead MoreNursing Shortage : High Level Of Nurse Turnover1433 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction For many decades, the nursing field has been experiencing numerous problems and amongst them is high nursing turnover and nursing shortage. Without a doubt, this problem is not unique to just a few countries, but has been affecting the entire world, bearing in mind that new diseases are cropping up day in day out and hence the need to have more nurses attending to the ever increasing number of patients. As Feldman (2010) clearly explains, the issue of nursing shortage is largely attributed byRead MoreApproaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice: Nurse Shortage and Nurse Turnover1288 Words   |  5 PagesApproaches of Nursing Leaders and Managers to Issues in Practice: Nurse Shortage and Nurse Turnover Background In the healthcare field, nursing leaders and managers face consistent issues in their respective practices that force them to alter the way they work and the way they think. In taking on a role as a leader within the field, nursing leaders and managers also take on the role of ensuring that work within an organization runs smoothly regardless of new issues that may arise in the healthcareRead MoreNurse Turnover And Nurse Retention1315 Words   |  6 PagesNurse Turnover and Nurse Retention Stephanie Williams NURS- 411.01 Issues and Leadership in Nursing Delaware State University The nursing shortage in healthcare has been a highlighted issue for many years. With the ever-growing health care system, hospitals and healthcare facilities often find themselves searching for ways to acquire new nurses and retain their very own. Throughout the years, the number one solution to this problem remains the same: decreasing nurse turnover, and increasingRead MoreThe Issue of Nursing Shortage in the United States1102 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Nursing Shortages Introduction The shortage of nurses in the United States has been discussed often and has been fully reported in the media over the past several decades. There have been reports of shortages so critical that they actually have become †¦a national security concern (Nelson, 2002). Moreover, the reasons for the shortages and potential solutions for this crisis are extremely well covered in the scholarly literature. In this paper, an article in the peer-reviewed Health MarketingRead MoreLeadership And Management Approaches For Nursing1228 Words   |  5 PagesTurnover is defined as the movement of employees from being hired to leaving the current position voluntarily and not staying with the organization (, 2013). According to Booyens 64% of turnover can be avoidable compared to 36% of turnover considered to be unavoidable due to marriage, pregnancy, and other life events. (Booyens, S. (2007). Turnover. Cape Town: Juta Co, Ltd.). Nursing shortages and turnover continuous to presen t critical challenges in the all levels of healthcare. SeveralRead MoreNursing Shortage : A Difference Between Supply And Demand Of Registered Nurses1608 Words   |  7 Pages Nursing shortage refers as a difference between supply and demand of registered nurses (RN) and turnover refers to the loss of an employee due to transfer, termination, or resignation (Huber, 2014). Worldwide, Hospitals are experiencing nursing shortage despite of intervention and innovation attempt. 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And also narrates aboutRead MoreSample Resume : Nurse Retention Strategies883 Words   |  4 Pagesending nurse shortage looms constantly as a reminder in the healthcare setting that with the increase of human population, superior medical technology, major changes to the nation’s medical healthcare, that this nursing shortage is predicted to worsen. The past four years have seen a steady rise in hospital turnover rates. More than 40% of the currently working registered nurses (RNs) will begin to approach retirement age in the next 10 years. (Pellico, 2009) This in addition to the turnover rate will

Friday, December 13, 2019

Astronomy Final Free Essays

The age of the cluster can be estimated by viewing a cluster of stars on the HR diagram in reference to where they end on the main sequence. 2. Seasonal variation of a planet depends on the frequency with which any given side of the planet changes it’s position with respect to the star. We will write a custom essay sample on Astronomy Final or any similar topic only for you Order Now For a planet like Uranus, which has a high tilt (73 deg), the same side always faces the sun and hence it’s always summer on one side and winter on the other. Thus we can conclude that seasonal variation is directly related to the tilt of the planet. 3. a. Among the given planets, D has the minimum tilt – So the answer is D, which shows max seasonal variation. b. A planet will be geologically active if it has a high density, since that would assure wide vvariety of rocks and minerals and ores and less amount of hot gases; so among the planets, A has the highest density and is the most geologically active. 3. The younger surface would go to Moon A due to the fact that Moon B possesses many craters, which are clearly visible as the picture represents (this is clearly shown by the illuminated spots). Genesis shows that the craters were developed over time. Since moon A has far less craters, this mearns it was recently formed thus making it the younger moon. 4. a. The Hubble Expansion: As the distance increases, the apparen’t brightness of the object decreases meaning it becomes darker the farther away it gets. This technique determines the relative distances of ssimilar objects. In addition, a phenomenon called the Doppler effect can be used to determine the velocity of an object. The sonic Doppler effect is caused by compression of sonic wave fronts, which can be generalized to electromagnetic radiation and other wavelike phenomena. The magnitude of an object’s Doppler shift is a function of its radial velocity relative to the observer. Velocities of various objects, such as stars and galaxies, have been tabulated in our vicinity. An almost straight line with positive slope was obtained when the distance was plotted for various galaxies against their velocities. This shows us that the farther away an object is, the greater the velocity. This lends support to the Big Bang theory–if the universe does indeed expand in a manner consistent with the Big Bang model, then two objects that are close to each other should have smaller relative velocities than in comparison with distant objects. b. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB): This is the result of theorized energetics, which was discovered in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson. Their discovery showed microwave radiation emanating from all directions in our observable locality of the universe. As predicted by the Big Bang Model, the universe is filled with plasma at high temperatures. As a result, hydrogen can only exit as plasma with an ambient temperature of about 3000K. c. Primordial abundance of light elements: This is the observed abundance of elements in the universe. Examinations through the spectra of various objects shows us that helium makes up about 23% of observable mass in the universe, which is entirely too large to be accounted for by stellar fusion. Since stellar nucleosynthesis makes the abundance of lighter nuclei hard to explain, the Big Bang model theorizes that the nuclei were created during the fierce explosion. . Due to the numerous negative effects on the body, human space travel remains physiologically difficult. Many of these affects are due to long-term weightlessness. Examples include: muscle atrophy, skeletal deterioration, slowing of cardiovascular functions, red blood cell production decrease, balance disorders, and weakening of the immune system. In addition, without the appropriate protection, space exposure becomes a sever threat due to the environmental differences between space and earth – especially the lack of oxygen and pressure. Interstellar space travel consists of many problems, which makes human travel extremely difficult – even in the future. One problem is the amount of fuel needed for long-duration flights. In addition, we have to worry about the damaging effects of galactic radiation. Also consider the loneliness and boredom of generations of humans spending their entire lives aboard a spacecraft. In order to get to the nearest star system beyond our Solar System (Alpha Centauri), we would have to travel 4. 3 ly with a constant flight velocity of 50 km/s; which is roughly about 25,000 years. Although that velocity would allow us to escape the Solar System, it would still take 250 centuries to reach our closest star system. It is very unlikely that humans will be able to equip themselves with the technology, at least anytime soon, to make contact with extraterrestrial life. Even if we took into account the many factors in the Drake equation, galactic civilizations are probably spread out like small islands tthroughout space. Even if the average lifetime of extraterrestrial civilizations is 1 million years, our most optimistic estimates suggest that each is separated by ~300 ly. Additionally, thousands of sorties would have to be launched toward candidate star systems for any hope of successful extraterrestrial contact. In summary, although it may never become feasible, interstellar space flight is both uneconomical and impractical now and anytime in the foreseeable future. 6. Galileo Galilei was a very influential astronomer because he defended his beliefs in a time when the Roman Inquisition was in power. Galileo defended his idea of heliocentrism against the Inquisition and was put on house arrest. This did not stop him from doing what he loved. While on house arrest, he made observations and continued his work. His contributions to astronomy include the discovery of three moons of Jupiter, the idea that the nature of each planet is unique, identification of sunspots, and his continued examinations of the Milky Way and sea tides. 7. As of March 23, 2012, 763 exoplanets (extrasolar) within our Milky Way have been discovered by satellites such as the Kepler. Consequently, these satellites have been flying through space, uncovering hundreds of new planets within our galaxy. Recently, two planets (Kepler 62e and 62f) have been discovered, which orbit a sun ssimilar to ours but cooler. These planets are at just the right distance that allows water to remain liquid – an essential must for a planet to support life. In addition, these planets are very ssimilar to the size of Earth. Because of their size and orbits, it is highly likely that they are either rocky or watery. The two planets are located 1,200 light-years away in a five-planet system orbiting a star dubbed Kepler-62. 8. The milky is a flat disk surrounded by a halo with a bulge at the center. Within the disk, lay clouds of gas and dust that amount to around 15% of the mass of stars. Although we cannot see the nucleus due to all the scattered dust – radio, infrared, and x-ray telescopes allow us to see through the dust and show us that the core contains a dense swarm of gas and stars and a massive black hole. A majority of the gas and dust clouds lie within the disk. In addition, bright stars gather into spiral arms winding in an outward direction. The location of our solar system is about 26,000 ly from the center, lying on the inner edge of the spiral arm. 9. D C B A How to cite Astronomy Final, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Implementation of IT Oman Oil Company -

Question: Discuss about the Implementation of IT for Oman Oil Company. Answer: Introduction The report depicts the requirements of data and information that are needed to conduct a business in the competitive marketplace for the selected organization namely as Oman oil marketing Company. The report will illustrate the valuable constraints required for the development of the business. Usage of data and information required to conduct business in Oman oil marketing company The organization is started in the year of 2003 and it is the single 100% Omani owned fuels marketing companies in Oman. The company is headquartered in Muscat, Oman. The company itself is owned and is operated by the Omanis ( 2016). The commercial business suppliers involve in the marketing and fuel and lubricants products are operated in different sectors. In order to improve the business structure certain specific strategies are needed to be involved. Considering the economic sector of the organization certain emerging technologies from the business context should be added to the traditional business model of Oman oil marketing organization. Business information system From the current analysis it has been come to the spotlight that in order to achieve rapid business growth in terms of fuel marketing plans Oman Oil Company is going live with Oracle Hyperion system. In order to achieve combination of flexible financial and management data throughout the company has adopted the financial management portfolio of Oracle (Al Hatmi and Tan 2013). The data analysis capabilities will increase at a large rate after involving consolidation and reporting tools to it (Refer to Appendix 1). The current market revenue of the company can be determined from the business analysis of the company. The mission, vision and goal of the organization basically set the business future of the business. Mission Vision Strategy The mission of the company is to make continuous engagement of the consumers to enhance the stakeholders value (Looney 2013). The value is needed to be increased with static growth in the business strategies and convenient innovation in the products of the company to attract superior consumers from throughout the world. The vision of the company is to make preferable choices which would be able to deliver best quality products with a friendly service. In order to enhance the business benefit the organization is involving many technologies that might help it to obtain greater brand value from the competitive business market (Al-Shubiri 2015). The concept of big data has transformed the traditional functionalities of the oil company. Apart from this, the social marketing sights also enhance the customer relationship management by incorporating big data analytical tools (Rajasekar 2013). Therefore, it can be said that, Business information systems act as a boundary spanning study relevant to ICT that helps to improve the commercial backbone of Oman oil marketing company. Figure 1: Market revenue of Oman oil marketing company (Source: Salim and Saci 2014, pp-91) Electronic business In order to achieve success in the oils marketing industry Oman Oil Company is firmly concentrating on the customer focused electronic business where the consumers can get attracted to their products through the help of the electronic medium (Salim and Saci 2014). Two major phases are involved to the electronic business of Oman oil marketing company. According to the business need the marketing phases are formed. These are as followed: Oil electronic Customer Chain (OECC): This is the first phase of electronic business of Oman Oil Marketing Company where, a model is developed by the developing team of the company (Al-Quwaitai and Krishnan 2016). The company is developing the models in order to achieve a best suited IT based Electronic structure for the company. Over 36 IT based solutions processes can be achieved from the OECC model. The electronic business solutions are needed to be adopted as theses are required to accelerate the adopted IT methodologies. Pattern Analysis: This is the second phase of the E-business policies adopted by Oman oil marketing company. Around 20 best of the oil producing companies all over the world, are adopting the OEEC model in order to achieve the IT solutions during the electronic marketing of the company (Minnee et al. 2013). Pattern analysis is nothing but the categorization of three phases which are again divided into 36 IT solutions. Which pattern of the model should be feasible to the company is measured by pattern analysis. Implementation of ERP An investigation rather a worldwide oil industry based survey, resultant that the future of Oman Oil Company in E-marketing is very feasible due to the adaptation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system ( 2016). ERP allows Oman Oil Company to accommodate some of the best business practices. ERP provides several opportunities that help the company to run the business smoothly. According to Looney (2013), due to daily basis dynamic changes in the business ERP adaptation is very helpful to Oman Oil Company. In order to increase the operational efficiency Oman Oil Company is adopting Big Corporate Houses and Business Intelligence Solutions. The factors such as - Marketing and sales, HR management team, Inventory management system, shipping and manufacturing measurement come under consideration while implementing ERP (Refer to Appendix 2). Rajasekar (2013) stated that, Oman Oil Marketing Company is adopting the latest Oracle enterprise resource planning system to improve the business efficiency and to spread awareness among the users of the company. SAP is also incorporating in Oman Oil Company. Figure 2: ERP system of Oman Oil Company (Source: Palanissamy 2014, pp-110) Need of CRM Currently most of the companies are adopting CRM software system to establish potential relationship between the consumers and service providers (Palanissamy 2014). The CRM software system is offered by Ledgeview Partners to Oman Oil Company. The Oil industry is facing dynamic changes and pattern analysis gives opportunities to the company to choose the best suited CRM for them (Refer to Appendix 3). The company focuses on user friendly services so that they could engage more number of consumers and can hold the existing consumers. In traditional system the clients had to make face to face communication and the transaction process was also very long. In CRM there is an option of online transactions which is quite quick and secures (Rahimzadeh et al. 2015). The Company has adopted Microsoft CRM system to maintain the specified features: 1. Back office Accounting 2. Dashboard reporting 3. Cross sell 4. Notification on the price of the fuel 5. Opportunities in business processes 6. Digital access 7. Wallet management 8. Setting objectives 9. Stationary management Figure 3: CRM system of Oman Oil Company (Source: Rajasekar 2013, pp-140) Analysis of dashboard during marketing of Oman Oil Company Dashboard management system is utilized by Oman Oil Marketing Company. In this system the managerial team can search for all the requirements at a glance (Al-Shubiri 2015). The sales, marketing, Human Resource management system and the production of the company managed by a database system and the managerial team monitor all these sectors. Oman Oil marketing Company is adopting dashboard management system which is mainly a geographical interface that shows the overall marketing strategy of the company (Varghese et al. 2016). The dashboard management system of the company is also referred to as the key performance indicator which enables the manager of the company to monitor and compare the key performance. The dashboard also helps the company to find out more target marketing (Refer to Appendix 6). Security techniques ensured by Oman Oil Company Oman Oil Company is adopting different software to ensure the security in terms of application of ICT management system within the organization. Cyber attack is increasing in a rapid rate in the oil industry of Oman. The factors that come under consideration during the analysis processes are as followed: Security: From a current survey it has been found that, Omani oil industry is affected by different viral attacks. Thus, the company is adopting ERP management system to reduce the number of cyber attacks throughout the world. Accuracy: CRM and ERP management systems are adopting by the company to make the consumer service more loyal and flexible. Liability: As the back office functions will be automated, management can concentrate on increasing the safety of the workers (Refer to Appendix 5). Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that the Oman Oil company has turned into emerging Information and Communication Technologies in order to face tough challenges in the oils and gas industry of Oman and throughout the world. In the context of upstream and downstream, fragmentation are generated during the operations of oil industries. (TOTAL WORD COUNT-1575 [Including Executive Summary]) References Al Hatmi, Y. and Tan, C.S., 2013. Issues and Challenges With Renewable Energy in Oman.Gas (BCM),4(9), pp.212-218. Al-Quwaitai, A. and Krishnan, P.K., 2016. Study and Design of Flare Reduction Initiative in the Region: A Case Study of Gas Flaring Reduction at Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Company.British Journal of Applied Science Technology,14(5), p.1. Al-Shubiri, F.N., 2015. The Impact of Economic and Financial Variables on Cash Conversion Cycle of Energy, Oil and Gas Sectors Listed in Muscat Security Market.International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy,5(1), p.174. Looney, R.E., 2013. The Omani and the Bahraini paths to development: rare and contrasting oil-based economic success stories.Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, pp.419-456. Minnee, F., Shanka, T., Taylor, R. and Handley, B., 2013. 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