Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Moon Essays (642 words) - Observational Astronomy, Lunar Science

The Moon Essays (642 words) - Observational Astronomy, Lunar Science The Moon The moon The moon is the main common satellite of Earth. The moon circles the Earth from 384,400 km and has a normal speed of 3700 km for each hour. It has a measurement of 3476 km, which is about that of the Earth and has a mass of 7.35e22 kg. The moon is the second most brilliant article in the sky after the sun. The gravitational powers between the Earth and the moon cause some fascinating impacts; tides are the most self-evident. The moon has no climate, yet there is proof by the United States Department of Defense Clementine shuttle shows that there perhaps water ice in some profound cavities close to the moon's North and South Pole that are for all time concealed. The vast majority of the moon's surface is secured with regolith, which is a blend of fine residue and rough garbage delivered by meteor sway. There are two sorts of territory on the moon. One is the vigorously cratered and extremely old good countries. The other is the moderately smooth and more youthful pits that were overwhelmed with liquid magma. All through the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years, visual investigation through amazing telescopes has yielded a genuinely far reaching image of the noticeable side of the moon. The up to this point concealed far side of the moon was first uncovered to the world in October 1959 through photos made by the Soviet Lunik III shuttle. These photos indicated that the furthest side of the moon is like the close to side with the exception of that enormous lunar maria are missing. Pits are currently known to cover the whole moon, extending in size from immense, ringed maria to those of minute size. The whole moon has around 3 trillion holes bigger than around 1 m in distance across. The moon shows various stages as it moves along its circle around the earth. A large portion of the moon is consistently in daylight, similarly as a large portion of the earth has day while the other half has night. The periods of the moon rely upon the amount of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In the new moon, the face is totally in shadow. About seven days after the fact, the moon is in first quarter, looking like a half-circle; one more week later, the full moon shows its completely lit surface; seven days a short time later, in its last quarter, the moon shows up as a half-circle once more. The whole cycle is rehashed each lunar month, which is around 29.5 days. The moon is full when it is farther away from the sun than the earth; it is new when it is nearer. At the point when it is the greater part enlightened, it is supposed to be in gibbous stage. The moon is melting away when it advances from full to new, and waxing as it continues again to full. Temperatures on its surface are extraordinary, going from a limit of 127 C (261 F) at lunar early afternoon to at least - 173 C (- 279 F) not long before lunar sunrise. The Harvest moon is full moon at collect time in the North Temperate Zone, or all the more precisely, the full moon happening not long before the pre-winter equinox on about September 23. During this season the moon ascends at a point inverse to the sun, or near the specific eastern purpose of the skyline. Additionally, the moon rises just a couple of moments later every night, managing on a few progressive nighttimes an appealing moonrise near nightfall time and solid twilight practically the entire night if the sky isn't blurred. The continuation of the evening glow after nightfall is helpful to ranchers in northern scopes, who are then gathering their harvests. The full moon following the collect moon, which displays similar marvels in a lesser degree, is known as the tracker's moon. A comparative wonder to the collect moon is seen in southern scopes at the spring equinox on about March 21.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Alibaba Essay

He and his group have accomplished numerous firsts’ in the zone of Chinese Internet Trade. He established the principal web business site in China, and made a 82B commercial center stage to all little and medium-sized ventures in Asia and around the globe. He advanced the â€Å"Trust Pass† plan on the site, which made the world’s first on-line credit stage for organizations. Under Jack Ma’s initiative, the Alibaba 82B sites have pulled in excess of 17 million enlisted individuals in 220 nations comprehensively, with every day postings surpassing 35 million, making Alibaba. om the most dynamic Internet commercial center and 82B people group around the world. Since the commencement of the organization, in excess of 400 media have announced about Alibaba and Jack Ma, in many dialects. Notwithstanding various honors introduced to Alibaba. com, Jack Ma was lso chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of the 100 Young Global Leaders in 2001; was named Business Leader of 2001 by Asia Commerce Association of USA; and was included on the fronts of Forbes Magazine, Nikkei Magazine, and Fortune (China) Magazine. In 2004, Jack Ma was respected as one of the â€Å"Top 10 Economic Personas of the Year† by CCTV. In 2005, Fortune Magazine positioned him one of the â€Å"25 Most Powerful Businesspeople in Asia† and this year Business 2. 0 positioned him 1 fifth among â€Å"50 Who Matter Now† and Silicon. com positioned him 1 lth among its main 50 â€Å"Agenda Setters 2006. † organization, Alibaba. om constructs its business achievement and quick development on enterprise, advancement, and administration. Says Jack Ma: The organization will stay a ‘start-up’ regardless of to what extent it has been in presence. What ever has been steady, I will upset that strength. The organization needs to proceed to improve and develop. I need the workers to accept that we are a little organization, regardless of how enormous we get. I accept we can make a framework and culture to propagate this culture of pioneering and start-up soul. To fuel the enterprising and imaginative soul, alongside an assistance mentality, Jack Ma is searching for individuals with the accompanying qualities: 1) People with a fantasy. â€Å"Don’t let your partners work for you. They have to work for their fantasies! † If individuals don’t trust in the fantasy and Join the organization only for cash, they won’t remain long (allude to Appendix 2 for Alibaba’s vision, strategic, values). 2) People with shared qualities. â€Å"The esteem framework is significant at Alibaba. We are insane for it! In China, we may be the main insane organization who so emphatically keeps up our worth framework. Individuals who don’t fit our qualities can't get by in the organization. † (Alibaba’s six metal qualities are client starts things out, collaboration and participation, grasping change, honesty, enthusiasm, and regarding your Job). 3) People with a grin. â€Å"When we enlist individuals, we search for individuals who are normally idealistic and glad. In the beginning up process we will address with challenges and difficulties. Hopeful and cheerful individuals can all the more likely arrangement with these difficulties and succeed. It’s difficult to fulfill an individual troubled, however it’s significantly harder to satisfy a miserable individual. I am ready to tell whether an individual is on our staff by their grin. † 4) People who appreciate work and can transform pressure and difficulties into development. Representatives must have the option to deal with weight and difficulties, and transform them into positive vitality for development, not negative vitality for melancholy. † 5) People who cooperate. â€Å"We don’t welcome individuals who think they are brilliant on the grounds that they may think they are above others. This industry is new to such an extent that it truly doesn’t have any genuine abilities. The individuals who are genuine gifts most likely don’t realize they are abilities. Everybody has enormous potential. We as a whole utilize different people’s qualities to beat our shortcomings We are largely normal individuals, however our objectives are unprecedented. † While Alibaba looks for individuals with solid rofessional abilities, these qualities are considerably increasingly significant in choosing whether an individual will Join, remain, and appreciate working in the organization. 2 Alibaba’s Unique Value Proposition † a Smiling Community with a Dream While Alibaba is clear about what sort of ability they requirement for business achievement, the inquiry is: in what manner can the organization pull in, hold, and connect such ability, particularly in the startup stage, when Alibaba had constrained assets? The appropriate response is a fantasy, a fantasy to have any kind of effect in the manner individuals work together, and a fantasy to make riches together. During the beginning up phase of Alibaba, Jack Ma regularly told those nterested in working for Alibaba, not of the extraordinary working conditions or the significant salary, of what they could acquire somewhere else. Alibaba likewise endeavors to give a network, where representatives can have a fabulous time to cooperate to seek after their fantasies with insignificant administration and governmental issues. Mama as of late painted a clear picture of his optimal workplace for his representatives as follows: Blue Sky Processes, frameworks, and choices should be open and straightforward. There’s nothing that ought to be escaped representatives. We ought to be straightforward. Strong Ground Everything we do ought to be straightforward, moral and add to the government assistance of the ociety. The organization ought to be on strong money related ground so representatives won’t stress over the monetary eventual fate of the organization. Free-streaming Ocean Talent must be permitted to pivot Jobs across auxiliaries and divisions. Green Forest (R Conducive conditions for proceeded with development. Amicable Community Peers with shared qualities and basic relational connections. A definitive target of such a network is to offer representatives a workplace to develop, contribute, and experience their fantasies. Organization, mystery, and stagnation are for the most part qualities that restrain representatives, and the organization should effectively search out these ehaviors and demolish them. Alibaba from the Eyes of Employees To what degree do workers at Alibaba experience what the organization expects to offer? For what reason do they Join the organization and how would they feel as representatives functioning there? Our center gathering conversation with representatives in various capacities and levels affirms that Alibaba is to be sure a remarkable organization to work with. The accompanying topics and direct citations catch their encounters and the sentiment of working at Alibaba: A pioneer with appeal and validity: Jack Ma is the magnet that brings individuals into the organization and furnishes them with a believable dream. â€Å"When I talked with Jack Ma, I was intrigued with his vision and plan of action. I had been in the web business for some time yet had not seen a fruitful model like the one Alibaba is utilizing. † Tang Zhenrong, International Website Engineering Department, and one year with the organization. In spite of the fact that the targets for every year appear to be high, some way or another we have consistently figured out how to achieve those goals. With past progress, we have developed certainty that we’re ready to accomplish the goals regardless of what they are. † Lili Li, Sales Research Department, six years with the organization. The energy of Alibaba is from inside and transmits outward to other people. We can see that they genuinely have confidence in the organization and the way of life of Alibaba is worked from that point, not by projects or procedures. † Echo Lu, Director of Organization and People Development. â€Å"The organization is consistent with its qualities at all levels. At the point when Jack Ma converses with the board about recruiting, he revealed to us that we should enlist individuals With a similar smell. Zhang Yu, Director of Marketing, Taobao. com Changes, difficulties, and development: People develop constrained to change and develop. â€Å"The speed of progress is three to multiple times that of different associations. The goals are ‘crazy, yet when we reach and outperform the objectives, we at that point have a significant feeling of achievement. With the consistent weight and changes, we’re likewise compelled to assess how we do our own Jobs and how we function as a group. Is it adequate to achieve the new goals? Do we have to take a gander at the test distinctively and attempt various things? † Zhang Yu, Director of Marketing, Taobao. om 4 Communication and straightforwardness â€Å"Jack will meet with every new representative in a gathering setting, has gatherings with the executives in any event quarterly, and semiannual workforce conferences with all workers. On the intranet, there’s a BBS that permits staff to post their considerations and suppositions. Jack frequently connects with staff on the BBS in an open and easygoing manner. † Echo Lu, Director of Organization and People Development An organization that thinks about representatives â€Å"During the SARS emergency, in view of one presumed case, Alibaba settled on the choice in one day to have all workers telecommute and to pass the necessary detachment time frame. Because of this snappy activity, we contained any conceivable episode, May. Representatives kept on performing Jobs massively well at home. We empowered each other through BBS, calls, and messages. † Lili L’, Sales Research Department â€Å"The best thing to result from the SARS emergency was a colossal measure of pride for representatives who experienced this emergency together. They fabricated a solid bond through encountering this occasion together. It’s still a much discussed occasion in the organization. Truth be told, a few workers have named the day that staff were sent home to contain the flare-up, Alibaba Day, to recognize the occasion. The soul of Alibaba woke up on that day. † Echo Lu, Director of Organization and People Development Leadership and Management Practices that Create the Unique Value Proposition Leadership need: As CEO, Jack Ma puts the vast majority of his time in three territories: vision/crucial, clients, and representatives. By unmistakably articulating and continually imparting the vision and strategic the organization, he

Friday, August 21, 2020

Brand Evolution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Brand Evolution - Assignment Example The VIP brand of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears speaks to their individual ways of life, values, character, feeling and the wants that two famous people are distinguished straightforwardly with. It is prominent that the idea of the two brands has gone above and beyond to be related with a sub-culture in the general public principally through their fans. The greater part of the buyers who are the fans are portrayed with high-association where they have sincerely put resources into the brand. The two brands in the 21st century have had subculture eminently the youngsters in the general public strikingly women recognizing themselves. Both Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears brands have profoundly sincerely put resources into the way of life the brand represents.Comparing the two profession ways that both Aguilera and lances have taken lights up how their brands are persuasive in the contemporary social orders everywhere throughout the world. Christina Aguilera and Britney Spear s got renowned and rose to superstardom nearly simultaneously. This youth rivalry in different occasions contributed enormously to the improvement of the two personality brands of the two artists. Their disparities are as convincing as their similitudes in the different parts of execution and diversion measurements. Aguilera and Spears were conceived in 1980 and 1981 individually and the two of them contended as little youngsters in the majority of the neighborhood rivalries during their childhood. Their image advancement started as they acted in different intelligent gifts by trying out for The Mickey Mouse Club,†.... Both Christina Augilera and Britney Spears brands have profoundly sincerely put resources into the way of life the brand speaks to. BRAND DEVELOPMENT Comparing the two vocation ways that both Aguilera and lances have taken lights up how their brands are compelling in the contemporary social orders everywhere throughout the world. Christina Augilera and Britney Spears got well known and rose to superstardom nearly simultaneously. During their time it was viewed as the skirmish of the blondies, they contended since youth and there is no reasonable victor between the two. This youth rivalry in different occasions contributed extraordinarily to the improvement of the two personality brands of the two artists. They were both capable specialists, and their disparities are as convincing as their similitudes in the different parts of execution and amusement measurements (Beverly 2005). Aguilera and Spears were conceived in 1980 and 1981 individually and the two of them contended as little yo ungsters in the majority of neighborhood rivalries during their youth. Their image improvement started as they acted in different bright gifts by trying out for The Mickey Mouse Club,†. This was a mainstream TV appear in USA where Aguilera tried out in 1991 and held up two years until she was more established. Aguilera supported her profession in execution and singing checking rapidly her place as a diva with a ground-breaking voice reasonable for singing. Britney Spears then again started her image creation in 1992 joining The Mickey Mouse Club† where Aguilera had marked a year back. This denoted the start of their image foundation being a piece of one group. Until the dropping in 1994 Spears and Aguilera remained on the show and they did some of various exhibitions together on the show. Ascribed to this reality is that the two

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Two Sides of the Harry Potter Story

The Two Sides of the Harry Potter Story There is no doubt that the Harry Potter series has made a huge impact on the minds of children. The debate is on whether that impact has been positive or negative. On one side there is a group that says the book promotes good behavior through the main characters in the story. They go through tough situations but yet stand up for the truth and do things that are morally right. They say that this has a very positive influence on children. The other group states that the inclusion of witchcraft and dark elements in the book can expose young minds to the world of the occult, which could be a serious problem. They feel that there are better ways to teach morals to children than by dabbling with witchcraft. Both groups seem to have valid points and it is necessary to hold open debate to come to a proper conclusion. Although we cannot say that there is any solid proof of the stories having a positive, moral influence on the minds of kids, there is abundant proof that these single series have had a profound influence on their reading habits, than any other book has had on this generation of kids. With the abundance of video games and the Internet, children have for a long time had entertainment through the electronic medium. But the Harry Potter series has been able to successfully reverse that trend. Scores of children have been waned away from their electronic toys towards reading the Harry Potter books. Children even end up rereading these books as they grow up. This story has definitely had an immense impact of children’s reading habits. This factor perhaps needs to be taken into consideration when debating about the books’ influence on kids.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How Does Montessori Compare With Waldorf Schools

Montessori and Waldorf schools are two popular kinds of schools for preschool and elementary school age children. But, many people arent sure what the differences are between the two schools. Read on to learn more and discover the differences.   Different Founders A Montessori school follows the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), a medical doctor and anthropologist. The first Casa dei Bambini, a house of children rather than a school, was opened in 1907 in Rome, Italy.  A Waldorf school follows the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). The first Waldorf School was founded in Stuttgart in Germany in 1919. It was intended for the workers at the Waldorf Astoria Cigarette Company, after the companys director requested such.   Different Teaching Styles Montessori Schools believe in following the child. So the child chooses what he wants to learn and the teacher guides the learning. This approach is very hands-on  and student-directed.   Waldorf uses a teacher-directed approach in the classroom. Academic subjects are not introduced to children until an age that is typically later than that of students in Montessori Schools. Traditional academic subjects - math, reading and writing - are viewed as not the most enjoyable learning experiences for children  and are such put off until the age of seven or so. Instead, students are encouraged to fill their days with imaginative activities, such as playing make-believe, art and music. Spirituality Montessori has no set spirituality per se. It is very flexible and adaptable to individual needs and beliefs. Waldorf is rooted in anthroposophy. This philosophy believes that in order to understand the workings of the universe, people must first have an understanding of humanity. Learning Activities Montessori and Waldorf recognize and respect a childs need for rhythm and order in his daily routine. They choose to recognize that need in different ways. Take toys, for example. Madame Montessori felt that children shouldnt just play but should play with toys which will teach them concepts. Montessori schools use Montessori designed and approved toys. A Waldorf education encourages the child to create his own toys from materials which happen to be at hand. Using the imagination is the childs most important work posits the Steiner Method. Both Montessori and Waldorf use curricula which are developmentally appropriate. Both approaches believe in a hands on as well as an intellectual approach to learning. Both approaches also work in multi-year cycles when it comes to child development. Montessori uses six-year cycles. Waldorf works in seven-year cycles. Both Montessori and Waldorf have a strong sense of societal reform built into their teaching. They believe in developing the whole child, teaching it to think for itself and, above all, showing it how to avoid violence. These are beautiful ideals which will help build a better world for the future. Montessori and Waldorf use non-traditional methods of assessments. Testing and grading are not part of either methodology. Use of Computers and TV Montessori generally leaves the use of popular media to individual parents to decide. Ideally, the amount of TV a child watches will be limited. Ditto the use of cellphones and other devices. Waldorf is usually pretty rigid about not wanting young people exposed to popular media. Waldorf wants children to create their own worlds. You will not find computers in a Waldorf classroom except in upper school grades. The reason why TV and DVDs are not popular in Montessori and Waldorf circles is that both want children to develop their imaginations. Watching TV gives children something to copy, not to create. Waldorf tends to place a premium on fantasy or imagination in the early years even to the point where reading is delayed somewhat. Adherence to Methodology Maria Montessori never trademarked or patented her methods and philosophy. So you will find many flavors of Montessori. Some schools are very strict in their interpretation of Montessori precepts. Others are much more eclectic. Just because it says Montessori doesnt mean that it is the real thing. Waldorf schools, on the other hand, tend to stick pretty close to standards set out by the Waldorf Association. See for Yourself There are many other differences. Some of these are obvious; others are more subtle. What becomes obvious as you read about both educational methods is how gentle both approaches are. The only way you will know for sure which approach is best for you is to visit the schools and observe a class or two. Speak with the teachers and director. Ask questions about allowing your children to watch TV and when and how children learn to read. There will be some parts of each philosophy and approach with which you will probably disagree. Determine what the deal breakers are and choose your school accordingly. Put another way, the Montessori school which your niece attends in Portland wont be the same as the one you are looking at in Raleigh. They both will have Montessori in their name. Both might have Montessori trained and credentialed teachers. But, because they are not clones or a franchise operation, each school will be unique. You need to visit and make up your mind based on what you see and the answers you hear. The same advice applies with respect to Waldorf schools. Visit. Observe. Ask questions. Choose the school which is the best fit for you and your child. Conclusion The progressive approaches which Montessori and Waldorf offer young children have been tried and tested for almost 100 years. They have many points in common as well as several differences. Contrast and compare Montessori and Waldorf with traditional preschools and kindergarten and you will see even more differences. Resources A Montessori EducationA Waldorf EducationThree Approaches from Europe: Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia    Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Urban Geography The Chicago Pilsen Neighborhood - 2425 Words

Urban Geography paper Chicago Pilsen neighborhood Urban Geography paper Chicago Pilsen neighborhood Executive Summary The traditional working class nature of Pilsen is presently endangered by the gentrification of this mainly Mexican-American locality. The Pilsen Alliance, a waged peoples organization created in 1998, coupled with city geography classes at DePaul University to carry out a building list of Pilsen in order to spot and coordinate around issues connected to gentrification. Â What are trends that you have identified that are affecting this block? Property Values and Taxes The area has highly been affected by the raising taxes and other property values. The homeowners have had difficulties in buying and living in these houses because of the increased taxes. This is because the property values have gone high due to the demand causing increase in taxes. This rise is usually extended to the tenants by the landlords and they find themselves vacating the houses due to high rents. The landlords might sometimes be unable to pay the tax leading to a sell of the houses. Zoning This is when both land use and the building density gets regulate by the local government. This has attracted developers because most of the zones have been marked as under developed. Research shows that over 300 single families are in the under developed zones. This means that the developers can buy these single homes and build storeys that will accommodate many families without the

Collaboration in Professional Practice free essay sample

Collaboration is key to providing good quality *patient/client/service user centred care Discuss The aim of this assignment is to explore the importance of effective interprofessional collaboration in quality patient/client/service/user centred care. The author works as a children’s nurse, and in the field of paediatric nursing the main area of concentration is on patient-centred and family-centred care, therefore this essay will mainly focus on exploring these areas. Firstly it will discuss the government policies and background of the introduction of Interprofessional practice, and will then talk about the importance of patient centred care and team working, and about the significance of reflection in developing self-awareness as a collaborative worker, including the importance of action plans. Next it will identify individual and team communication within the practice setting, and the usage of discussion boards. Finally, using practice experience, the necessity of professional behaviour and responsibilities will be discussed, followed by an overview of organisational models in health and social care in relation to practice. Following the election of the new Labour government in 1997, the Department of Health (DOH) have published many White Papers, promising a new and improved National Health Service (NHS) with a desire to put patients first (DOH, 2006). These Papers have recognised and highlighted the importance of teamwork and interprofessional working both between and within health and social care provision. The proposals tend to focus on improving overall health in general, emphasising on preventative care (Day, 2006). The Acheson report followed in 1998, and in its recommendations in section 39. 1 stated that to address health inequalities, there should be joint working between the NHS and regional government, local authorities and other agencies (Acheson, 1998). Another report that highlighted the need for effective interprofessional working arose from the tragic death of Victoria Climbie a failed child protection case. Victoria was only nine years old when she was subjected to months of torture from her aunt, and eventually died in February 2000. During this time she was admitted to hospital several times, visited by social services, health visitors and other professionals, and alerts from relatives were also highlighted. The Victoria Climbie Report (2003) highlighted that there were at least twelve occasions when professionals could have intervened, and to have maybe prevented her death. (Victoria Climbie Report, 2003). More recently, the Department of Health funded a three year project called ‘The Creating an Interprofessional Workforce Programme’ (CIPW), which was hosted by the South West Peninsula Strategic Health Authority. This project covered all aspects of interprofessional learning and development in Health and Social care in England, in close collaboration with the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE), to improve undergraduate and post-graduate education for nursing, allied health professionals and medicine. (CIPW 2006). Family-centred care is a collaborative approach to making decisions and the giving of care, where everyone respects each others knowledge, skills and experience that everyone can bring into a health-care situation. Both the health care team and the family, collaboratively assess the needs of the patient and the development of the care/treatment plan. (The Institute for Family Centred Care). The concept of family-centred care in health has developed over the last fifty years, and is still very significant in children’s nursing today. Glasper and Richardson 2006). This has stemmed from research and awareness of the importance of psychosocial and developmental needs of children, and the part that the family play in their child’s health and well-being. (Eichner et al. 2003). Many studies were carried out on the effects of separation of hospitalised children from their families, the work of John Bowlby on Attachment is probably the most well known. Bowlby focused on the effe cts of mother-child separation, and produced a shocking film ‘A Two Year Old Goes to Hospital’. The conclusion of his works shows devastating effects of maternal separation, and led to families being able to visit their children in hospital. Coyne (1995) states that parental access to hospitalised children and their participation in the child’s care, are viewed as central aspects in family-centred care. (Lindsay 2001). With regard to family centred care and its importance in the children’s welfare, many hospitals adopted policies that welcomed families to stay with their child throughout their stay, and encourages them o participate in the child’s care. Shelton et al (1987) developed a comprehensive framework, in collaboration with parents to provide family-centred care to families with children that have special health care needs. This framework has been revised and updated in the last ten years, putting the nine main elements in order of importance – the first being respect for the family as the constant in the child’s life, and second famil y/professional collaboration. The name given to all of the professionals involved with the patient is ‘the multidisciplinary team’ (MDT). It is important that the MDT work together to give the patient the best treatment available that is acceptable to them. To enhance collaboration between all involved, multidisciplinary team meeting should be held regularly to keep each other up-to-date with the plan of care. The MDT in paediatric care could include any mixture of nursing staff, medical staff, surgical staff, specialist nurses, support staff, audiologists, child development workers, child psychotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists, social workers, speech and language coordinators, ultrasonographers, radiographers and more, depending on the patient and their needs. MDT meetings are very important in paediatric nursing, due to possible child abuse and neglect cases. In such cases, the police may also be involved, and treatment would be aimed at the family and the child – not just the child. (Blumenthal 1994). Many authors have tried to define family-centred care, they all seem to agree that implementation of family centred care involves not only the nursing staff, but the entire health care system. (Moules and Ramsey 1998). To be an effective collaborative worker, it is important to know yourself and your capabilities, to understand what makes us do the things we do and why we do them, also to be self-aware. Self-awareness is a vital aspect of professional development. People are born into different backgrounds and are different in their ways, motivations, thoughts and beliefs; however as a professional, it is important to recognise how these affect others to be able to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships with patients. (Swapna 2007) Knowing our own thoughts and feelings, strengths and weaknesses gives us the ability to guide us in our decision making, and also helps us to become more self-confident in our approaches (Roper et al). . Reflection is a tool that can aid the development of self-awareness, allowing us to gain a greater degree of control in our practice. As stated by Jane Day (2006) the work of Donald Schon (1983) is widely regarded to be the most influential on the subject of reflection. (Day 2006). Schon (1987) differentiated between reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. The former takes place during practice whilst the person observes, interacts, and alters their reactions and behaviour whilst working. The second occurs after the encounter, when the details are remembered and reconstructed in the mind, to gain fresh insights and to make amendments if necessary to benefit future practice. (Taylor 2004) (Smith 2001). We can learn a lot from experiences, and by reflecting on them we can improve on our actions in the future, this process is called reflective practice. Reflective practice became a concept for learning in the 1980’s, and is now positively encouraged for all health care professionals. (McQuaid, Huband, Parker 1996). There are three components of reflective practice, things (experiences) that happen to a person; the reflective processes that enable that person to learn from those experiences, and the action that results from the new perspectives that are taken. Jasper 2003). For nurses, it is a statutory requirement for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to identify one’s own professional development by engaging in activities such as reflection, in and on practice. (NMC 2004). Over the years, various frameworks have been developed for use and guidance in the reflection process; however these can be adapted or adjusted to suit different circumstances and personal preferences. Two of the most widely used models are Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) and Johns Model of Structured Reflection (1994). In the author’s opinion, Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle is the easiest one to remember, as there are only six headings – description of the event, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan – therefore an ideal one to use with reflection-in-action. John’s model (1994) on the other hand is more structured, has five cue questions, which are then further divided into more focuses, to promote a more detailed reflection – making this model more suited to reflection-on-action. Reflection can be a personal experience, or can be used as part of a team discussion. Using a discussion board, our group members were able to eflect on experiences that had happened to them in their practice placements. I found this an extremely useful experience, in which we could help others by discussing scenarios that we had all encountered as students. In relation to my experience, my first placement was on a children’s ward at a local district hospital. Her e I had a really good opportunity to use a patient on whom I was able to reflect on, and to use my self-awareness. The child, a girl of eight years, had been brought in by ambulance and was admitted to our ward with an extremely severe asthma attack. A short while after her admission her condition worsened and the doctors decided to transfer her into the High Dependency Unit. This frightened me as I had recently bereaved a friend’s daughter of nine years, who had died from asthma, and was frightened that this patient was also going to die. I didn’t know if I could cope with this, so I decided to briefly warn my mentor of my predicament, and we decided that if I felt I couldn’t cope, that I should just quietly leave the room. I found that by reflecting on my past experience, I was able to predict how I might react to the situation. With this self-awareness, I was able to confront my fears and it made me stronger and more confident about facing similar scenarios in the future. Good communication in health care leads to better care for the patient. (Lloyd, Bor 1996). Communication is only effective when it is a two way process, and an effective response from the patient will ensure that they receive an accurate diagnose and the right treatment. There are three main types of communication, written (eg email or letters), verbal (eg words spoken) or sounds and non-verbal (eg facial expressions, body language, or touch). In the writers opinion the key to good communication is listening. Egan (2002) devised an acronym to aid listening and communication skills ‘SOLER’ – this practice is used to help clients or patients to trust the care-giver and to feel safe. SOLER is S to Sit Squarely in relation to the patient; O to have an Open posture, L to Lean towards the patient; E to maintain Eye contact; and R to stay Relaxed. (Egan 2002) This process ensures good communication, helps the client/patient to trust the care-giver and to feel safe. In paediatric nursing, there are many barriers to good communication – the age of the child, language, shyness, fear and even families can be perceived as barriers. Use of appropriate communication for age is essential, and could use benefit from the use of toys or books. Another problem I have frequently encountered on my placements is the barrier of language, as some families may speak little or no English at all; to overcome this barrier completely a translator must be called upon, however I have managed to communicate sometimes by using body language or pointing to items or drawing pictures. In addition to working and communicating with the patients and their families, the role of a children’s nurse, is to collaborate and work in partnership with other health professionals. (Roper et al) Lingard et al (2005) reported that when medical errors take place, the reasons for the error are often traced back to breakdowns in communication between members of the healthcare team. The department with the highest error rates was found to be in the surgical areas, leading to wrong site surgery taking place. (Lingard et al 2005). Communication breakdowns can also be detrimental in the community, as was discussed previously in the case of Victoria Climbie. Victoria died as a result of communication breakdowns no less than twelve times. I have witnessed and felt part of good communication whilst on placement. On a medical ward setting, I was looking after a baby with cystic fibrosis who needed a strict diet regime and physiotherapy twice daily. I noticed that the physiotherapist usually arrived just after a feed, and the baby was likely vomit if she had her physiotherapy carried out at this time. We discussed how we could help the baby and each other, and we devised a plan that I would bleep the physiotherapist after the baby had fed, and then she would try to come at least one hour after that time, to allow the baby to digest her feed. The same baby was also under the watch of social services, as a failure to thrive. The mother was only sixteen years old and although she was very loving to her baby, she could not cope with the feeding and medication regime away from the hospital setting. Each time she was discharged the baby was soon readmitted due to weight loss. Weekly MDT meeting were held with doctors, dieticians, ward nurses, cystic fibrosis nurses, social services, the parents and grand-parents, however after two attempts of sending the baby home with her mother, it was decided that it was in the best interest of the child to give care to the paternal grandmother. Patient handovers were also very important on this ward and took place at each staff changeover, behind closed doors, due to patient confidentiality, staff. My current placement is on Post Anaesthetic Recovery Unit, and I find that this area requires extremely good interprofessional communication. The wards hand over to the surgeons/anaesthetists, they then hand over to my department in recovery, and then we hand back over to the wards. We need to listen very carefully to the surgeons to find out what has been done, what needs to be monitored and what medication they have had – and then relay the same information and any new information about the patients recovery, back to the ward. Members of the MDT must be professional at all times. They are highly skilled and competent persons and must act in such a way not to damage their professions reputation, and they must be accountable for their actions at all times. Roger Watson (2002) states that accountability is the very essence of professionalism (Tilley, Watson 2004). Nurses are accountable to the NMC, and have to abide by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. Failure to comply with these rules is deemed unprofessional and would lead to the offender being struck off of the register, never allowed to practice again. The NMC states that as a professional, one must respect the patient/client as an individual; obtain consent before giving any treatment or care; protect confidential information; cooperate with others in the team; maintain your professional knowledge and competence; be trustworthy and to act to identify and minimise risk to patients/clients. (NMC 2004). One area of responsibility for a nurse is in drug administration. I did however, on one of my placements, witness an accidental drug overdose, by my mentor. This was purely human error due to a Doctors poor handwriting, and although it was double-checked by the Sister of the ward, the dosage was still given incorrectly. As soon as my mentor noticed, she followed the correct procedures, notified the Doctors and later filled in an incident form. I felt terrible for my mentor, but I admired her responsibility and professionalism throughout. I have also been subjected to an unprofessional attitude from a member of staff, where I was told off in the middle of a corridor, in front of parents, for being late in due to a migraine, despite the fact that I’d telephoned to explain – I was told that my behaviour was unprofessional and that if I am ill then I should take the day off and not come in late. On this occasion in my opinion, I believe that the nurse was the one being unprofessional. The situation ended up with me going home in tears. I reflected on this episode and when I have to mentor students, I will never put them through an embarrassing moment like that. If I do have to talk to someone, I will make sure that it is in an office with a closed door. Not only was it upsetting for me, I also think that it was an unpleasant experience for the parents in the corridor – firstly, they would think I was a bad student nurse, and secondly they would see the nurse as being stern, and not as a caring person. Overall, my experiences of interprofessional practice on my three placements so far have been good ones and everyone has been friendly between the MDT. My first placement was on a children’s ward at a district general hospital. The only meetings as such that I attended were the daily handovers between staff at change-over. Here we would discuss patient’s conditions and treatments, and it was always behind closed doors due to the confidentiality of the patients. MDT meetings were called on an ad hoc basis, such as child protection cases. My second placement was on a children’s hospital medical ward for babies of up to three years. It was very similar to my first placement, although I did find that there were MDT meetings once a week and they were always on the same day. This time was set aside in the professional’s schedules to enable them to be free to attend meetings if necessary. Of the two placements, I do feel that the second one had more of a collaborative working practice and they seemed to have more MDT meetings, so maybe this creates a more effective collaborative environment. My third and current placement is by far the most collaborative department I have worked in. We work closely with a number of professionals, all in the same department – Doctors, surgeons, x-ray, nurses and specialist nurses, anaesthetists, operating department practitioners, admin, support workers, porters and more. We all share a kitchen and a recreational lounge as well, which enables us to get to know each other and discuss both work and play. In conclusion, this assignment has explored the necessity of, and the key points of interprofessional learning and collaboration in professional practice. I have experienced both good and bad collaboration and have seen the outcomes of both. In a healthcare setting, it is essential to be professional and to work as part of the team – even more so with my area of paediatric nursing, as the child and family look upon the nurse to be their advocate. I have included appendices of my collaborative discussions with other members of my team, and also of my action plan, which I devised to help me to work towards becoming an effective, interprofessional, collaborative worker.